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Monday, December 5, 2011

A Boy & Butterfly -- A Life Lesson

One day, there's a boy whose watching a cocoon Inside is a butterfly which is striving to free itself from the cocoon. It looks so hard for the butterfly to get out. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could not go any further. Then, it seems to stop making any progress. 

The boy feel pity for the butterfly and think of a way to help the butterfly so it can get out of the cocoon easily.

Finally, the boy found an idea. He quickly take a scissor, and help cutting the cocoon so the butterfly can get out. The boy felt so happy and proud.

But, what happen next?
The butterfly may be able to get out, unfortunately, it cannot fly, it can only creep.

What is the cause of this phenomenon? The truth is, for a butterfly which is struggling to free itself from its cocoon, for which it uses all its power, there's a liquid inside its body that flow strongly across its entire body that makes the butterfly wings expand and thus making the butterfly able to fly. However, because of the boy's help, there's no need for the butterfly to struggle anymore, making its wings unable to expand, thus it becomes a butterfly that can only creep.

Sometimes, our attention and good will not necessarily result in something good.

Its the same when we teach our kids. Sometimes we often help them out of pity and love. Actually, our action make them not independent. It makes the potential in their ownself unable to develop, it hinder their crativity, because if from our viewpoints, the difficulties that they experienced is too much for them to be handled, infact, if they can pass through that, they will become STRONG. Not only in physical,  but also mentally and psychologically.

Accordingly, when we are struggling against something, don't expect help from others. Struggle first by employing all of our abilities to the best we can.

Life is full of STRUGGLE.

Many times we often blame the situation that we faced, infact, that situation is the one that makes us grow and  mature.

Sometimes, struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If God allowed us to go through our life without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as we could have been. Never been able to fly.

We asked for Strength... and God gave us difficulties to make us strong.
We asked for Wisdom... and God gave us problems to solve.
We asked for Prosperity... and God gave us brain and brawn to work.
We asked for Courage... and God gave us obstacles to overcome.
We asked for Love... and God gave us troubled people to help.
We asked for Favors... and God gave us opportunities.

We received nothing we wanted...but we received everything we needed.

Let us live life without fear, confront all obstacles and know that you can overcome them.

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