Welcome, guys, this site was created to be a place where creativity and imagination blend in harmony in terms of games, movies, arts, songs, health, and technology. This site is currently under development, any suggestion about the content will be happily received. We hope you enjoy your visits!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Friday, December 30, 2011

Quotes of The Day #41- Meet the Robinson -- Walt Disney

"Around here, however, we dont look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Quotes of The Day #40 - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood -- Ling Yao

"A king exists for his people, without subjects rulers cannot exists. That's why, I'm going to be a king that died defending his people rather than cowarding in the back, waiting them all to be gone."

Monday, December 26, 2011

Quotes of The Day #39 - Evan Almighty -- God

"Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?"

Quotes of The Day #38 - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood -- Roy Mustang #2

"The power of one man doesn't amount to much, But however little strength I'm capable of... I'll do everything humanly possible to protect the people I love, And in turn they'll protect the ones they love. It seems like the least we tiny humans can do for each other."

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011!!

It's finally arrive! This year Christmas filled with joy and happiness. Wish you have a good day! And don't forget to the true meaning of Christmas! GBU!!

Quotes of The Day #37 - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood -- Roy Mustang

"The world isn't perfect. But it's there for us, doing the best it can. And that's what makes it so damn beautiful."

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Quotes of The Day #36 - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood -- Edward Elric #2

"A lesson without pain is meaning less, that's because you cannot gain something without sacrificing something else in return but once you've with stood that pain and over come it you will gain a heart that is stronger than everything else, a fullmetal heart."

Friday, December 23, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Quotes of The Day #34 - Professor Layton and The Unwound Future -- Layman

"All men face trials in life, but it's the real men who persevere in spite of them. When tragedy rears its ugly head, a real man knows how to deal with it gracefully."

Monday, December 5, 2011

A Boy & Butterfly -- A Life Lesson

One day, there's a boy whose watching a cocoon Inside is a butterfly which is striving to free itself from the cocoon. It looks so hard for the butterfly to get out. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could not go any further. Then, it seems to stop making any progress. 

The boy feel pity for the butterfly and think of a way to help the butterfly so it can get out of the cocoon easily.

Finally, the boy found an idea. He quickly take a scissor, and help cutting the cocoon so the butterfly can get out. The boy felt so happy and proud.

But, what happen next?
The butterfly may be able to get out, unfortunately, it cannot fly, it can only creep.

What is the cause of this phenomenon? The truth is, for a butterfly which is struggling to free itself from its cocoon, for which it uses all its power, there's a liquid inside its body that flow strongly across its entire body that makes the butterfly wings expand and thus making the butterfly able to fly. However, because of the boy's help, there's no need for the butterfly to struggle anymore, making its wings unable to expand, thus it becomes a butterfly that can only creep.

Sometimes, our attention and good will not necessarily result in something good.

Its the same when we teach our kids. Sometimes we often help them out of pity and love. Actually, our action make them not independent. It makes the potential in their ownself unable to develop, it hinder their crativity, because if from our viewpoints, the difficulties that they experienced is too much for them to be handled, infact, if they can pass through that, they will become STRONG. Not only in physical,  but also mentally and psychologically.

Accordingly, when we are struggling against something, don't expect help from others. Struggle first by employing all of our abilities to the best we can.

Life is full of STRUGGLE.

Many times we often blame the situation that we faced, infact, that situation is the one that makes us grow and  mature.

Sometimes, struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If God allowed us to go through our life without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as we could have been. Never been able to fly.

We asked for Strength... and God gave us difficulties to make us strong.
We asked for Wisdom... and God gave us problems to solve.
We asked for Prosperity... and God gave us brain and brawn to work.
We asked for Courage... and God gave us obstacles to overcome.
We asked for Love... and God gave us troubled people to help.
We asked for Favors... and God gave us opportunities.

We received nothing we wanted...but we received everything we needed.

Let us live life without fear, confront all obstacles and know that you can overcome them.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Flat Walls........SIMPLY AMAZING!!

Flat walls.............AWESOME!!!!!
Need a good painter? This guy should qualify! 

  Before photo: -
A typical concrete & stucco facade 

Then the wall starts to take on a 3-dimensional appearance: -

This is Eric, in his element, 30' off the ground. He does most of the artwork by himself and researches, paints and designs each project from scratch. His wife Kathy, also an artist, serves as project manager.

                 After photo: - 
Finished product.

Here are some more examples of Eric's projects: -

Before photo: - 
Great American Crossroad - Bucyrus, Ohio 

After photo: - 

Before photos: - 

After photo: - 
Liberty Remembers 

Hard to believe you're looking
at a flat 2-dimensional wall. 

How to dress up a drab Shopping Mall
in Niagara, NY state. 

Before photo: -

After photo: - 

Also, look at the close-up of the left side:

And the middle: - 

(I wonder how many birds fly
into this wall on a daily basis?) 

Indoor Murals at the Hallway
of Miller Brewery ... 

Before: - 
Miller Fermenting Rooms 

Past meets Present in the Miller Brewery
fermenting rooms. Hooks, clipboards and aprons were added to the surface of the murals to
enhance the illusion ... 

After photos: - 

You're looking at FLAT walls! 

Detail view looking down the illusional
hallway in the previous mural:


I wonder how many people walk into the
walls, while trying to go down a hallway

Friday, December 2, 2011

Naruto Shippuden - Dreamers Fight, Amazing Fan Made Live Action Movie!

While surfing the net these couple of days, we found something that has caught our attention for quite sometime. Believe it or not, it's a short movie based on the ever popular manga (Japanese comic), Naruto. By short movie here, we mean a live action movie using real person as the actor instead of animated movie. Even if it's real, the jutsus (techniques) that exist in the manga where shown in real here with help from awesome 3D effects, for instance Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique), Konoha Senpuu (Leaf Whirwind), and the renowned Rasengan (Spiraling Sphere Jutsu). Not to mention the effects when Lee opened The Third Gate.

The effects are just as awesome as it is in anime and manga. The movie quality is excellent too. It really brings the feeling of action. It is truly  a masterpiece in its own class. We even thought that this is better than some Hollywood movie. These gem is created by ThousandPoundsActionCompany. You can visit their site here


Enough talking, no words is stronger than seeing it with your own eyes. Enjoy this cool movie!

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Anybody that takes Vitamin C should avoid the following Soft drinks:
Sunkist, Fanta, Diet Coke, Sprite, & Pepsi Max. 
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These drinks contain Sodium Benzoate 211 on the label. A chemical reaction between Vitamin C and Sodium Benzoate creates Benzine a highly Carcinogenic chemical (story by Channel 9). 

Benzine has the ability to severely damage the DNA in the Mitochondria to the point that it totally inactivates it, knocks it out altogether. The Mitochondria consumes Oxygen to give you energy, and if you damage it, then the cell starts to malfunction very seriously, often fatally, a whole array of Diseases has been tied to the damage to the DNA, including Parkinson's Disease and quite a lot of Neuro-Degenerative Diseases.. 
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This is a follow-up of all the TV station's story on Mentos and Diet Coke. Don't mix these two either, they cause a chemical reaction (explosion) in the stomach, it's not only Mentos but also any Mint products. Mint Life Savers, Tic Tac's, Cool Mint's, etc, the Mint is not the culprit here but the Aspartame in the Diet Drinks, 951 on the label, also avoid 950 Acelsultame F (same thing). Aspartame poisoning has been scientifically linked to 92 Symptoms of Disease .. Still going to drink your Diet Drinks??? 

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Most European countries have forbidden the Importing and use in their Country of Aspartame including all makes of Saccharin, example Equal, Nutra-Sweet, Spoonful & Diet Drinks, including 6,000 consumer Good's and Beverages, sold on the Supermarket shelves . this ban affect's all use of this product in any type o consumable infringement and will carry penalties that go from 9.000 euros to 90,000 Euros. 
Mexico is also considering banning all 6,000 products of Aspartame on its Supermarket shelves. In Mexico Aspartame is known as Rumsfeld's Disease, after George Bush's mate Donald Rumsfeld. The Nutra-Sweet company and Searle are owned by Monsanto who appointed Rumsfeld as their General Manager, so they could use his clout with Parliament to get this Deadly Poison passed by the FDA and boost their sales of Aspartame. 
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Avoid all Toothpastes made in China , especially Colgate's they contain Ethylene Glycol. This is anAnti-Freezing agent, Highly Toxic and even Fatal -- it destroys the Liver, Kidney, Lung, Blood Cells, Heart and the Nervous System. It is also in some Mouth Washes, Make-up, Aftershave, Baby Powder and Wipes, Shampoo, and Deodorants.
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Avoid Smarties; they contain almost every Toxic artificial colour on the market.
The worst are 102, 104, and the worst of all 110 Carcinogenic, 124 undesirable, 127 Carcinogenic 128 Extreme Caution, 129,131, and 133 are also carcinogenic.
To top it off Smarties are not even made of Chocolate (neither are Tim Tam's).
Synthetic Chocolate has non-nutritional food value whatsoever. 

Read your labels -- it may one day save your life. 


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Is It True that A Man's Education Alienates Him from His Own People?

     Education is not merely the bookish education and getting certain diplomas and degrees. Education is to civilise the man and draw the best in him. It must result in his all-rounded personality, which means physically, mentally, intellectually, morally, and spiritually he is developed. So he is good in very way. He is humble, ready-witted, able to look after himself and others, can act as the occasion demands, moral and can be useful to himself and others. His wit is like a deep river moving noiselessly about but delivering his goods. In short he will be what we call a good man.

     But what do we see today? Many of the so-called educated class display a certain snoberry. They form a class apart from others. They think they know too much and they should not be found in ordinary company. They forms clubs and societies in which the ordinary man has no place. The so-called educated man at worst quote from books and papers he has read. His morals are only bookish morals.

     The fruits of his learning does not normally filter to the ordinary level. So the fruits are no more fruits since they do not reach the soil for further propagation. The snoberry is seen even among the members of a family. The son educated in college begins to look down upon his own parents and their way of life. The life in a hostel does not normally improve the character of a student. A hostel is after all a place where one pays for the services and having enjoyed certain conveniences the educated boy or girl returns home only to find things very different. He cannot adjust himself to the common surroundings since he has had a taste of the artificial. What has been said above is at least true of the developing countries. Thus the educated person finds himself an alien in his own home and familiar surroundings.

     It is not entirely the mistake of the educated. How and why they are educated is at fault. In most countries the type of education given is only to fit the student for a job, very rarely to fit him into life. So the students grow into an artificial environment. Very rarely the type of education given regenerative or creative or for that matter recreative.

     In order to overcome this lopsided development educationists from Rousseau onwards have recommended methods where the child will learn in a natural atmosphere instead of being pulled out of it. M.K. Gandhi gave his own basic way of education where the child learns everything in his natural surroundings. Perhaps it is a failure even in Gandhi's country because people have a glamour for a formal type of education in which they have been brought up. There is needed a change in the philosophy of education so that life's purpose may be made clear and the objectives or goals reached. In fact, there has been, for sometime past, some rethinking going on at higher levels in reshaping education and one hopes, not vainly, that things will improve sooner.
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