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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hell's Door Turkmenistan, Dare to Take A Gaze at Hell?

Wow, what is that intense light comes from below some sort of an large hole on barren land? At a glance, it seems like a fire which burns endlessly. Thus creating this spectacular view.

One question remains though, is it really the gate to enter the infamous hell? Would it be the place where evil person will be dragged to by the devil after they die? Through this hole?

Hahaha, worry not. While Biblical alarmists might point to the "Door of Hell" as yet another sign of a coming apocalypse, the phenomenon apparently has a scientific explanation.

The "Hell's Door” is located in Turkmenistan, in the heart of Middle Asia, in the Kara-Kum desert. Specifically, it is located in near a village called Darweze. Actually, it was formed with little human help. According to local residents, in 1971, Soviet experts were digging in the area for gas deposits and stumbled upon a huge underground cavern filled with loads of natural gas, which roof collapsed leaving a hole with 60-70 meters diameter.

The gas continued rising from even deeper sources. The geologists apparently concluded the cavern was filled with poisonous gas, and decided (as any sane rational scientist might do) that they should light the cavern on fire to burn off the excess. 

It never stopped burning since then. The hole has been burning for more than 35 years and today it offers a spectacular view, especially at night. However, people can’t stay there more than five minutes because of the poisonous gases.

So, not so scared anymore right? If you want to take a gaze at the awesome natural phenomenon, maybe it's worth the long trek out to Central Asia.

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