"Mark my words! This drill will open a hole in the universe! And that hole will be a path for those behind us! The dreams of those who've fallen! The hopes of those who'll follow! Those two sets of dreams weave together in a double helix! Drilling a path towards tomorrow! And that's Tengen Toppa! That's Gurren Lagann!! My drill...IS THE DRILL THAT CREATES THE HEAVENS!!"
Welcome, guys, this site was created to be a place where creativity and imagination blend in harmony in terms of games, movies, arts, songs, health, and technology. This site is currently under development, any suggestion about the content will be happily received. We hope you enjoy your visits!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Quotes of The Day #32 - Rogue Galaxy -- Ugozi ( Burkaqua Tribe Chief)
"So many civilizations take a wrong turn and die out.
We’ve been running in place, afraid of change
--maybe it’s time for us to move forward again."
playstation 2,
video games
Quotes of The Day #30 - Steamboy - Edward Steam
"Science is not an occult enterprise like alchemy. It’s not for nobles and royals in their palaces, nor for monks in their cathedrals. Science is neither faith nor sorcery, it is provable fact that can transfigure and transform us at our very core! All the suffering of humanity, the ages of misery and darkness, science can change that. But what use is it if we don’t bring its power to everyone? Mankind everywhere is in desperate need… they are waiting for the blessings of science!!"
Friday, September 16, 2011
Puzzle of the Week #002 - Hint III
When asked about her birthday, a young woman gives the following information:
"The day after tomorrow, I turn 22 , but I was still 19 on New Year's Day last year."
When is her birthday?
Hint 3:
As stated in the second hint, half of the father's age is equal to the son's age. To put it another way, the father's age is two times that of his son.
Previous Hint : Hint II
Previous Hint : Hint I
Back to the Puzzle : Puzzle #002
Puzzle of the Week #002 - Hint II
When asked about her birthday, a young woman gives the following information:
"The day after tomorrow, I turn 22 , but I was still 19 on New Year's Day last year."
When is her birthday?
Hint 2:
The woman will turn 22 in two days, and her birthday, like all birthday, lasts but one day.
She also mentions her age last year. A year, on the other hand, is a much larger period of time to deal with.
In order for her statement to be true, her birhtday needs to fall on a particular day. Think about how the above two facts help to narrow the possibilities.
Next Hint : Hint III
Previous Hint : Hint I
Back to the Puzzle : Puzzle #002
Puzzle of the Week #002 - Hint I
When asked about her birthday, a young woman gives the following information:
"The day after tomorrow, I turn 22 , but I was still 19 on New Year's Day last year."
When is her birthday?
Hint 1 :
The first thing you should do is determine what day this exchange is taking place.
The woman says she's turning 22 in two days, so wight now she must be 21.
Hopefully these two points will give ylou something to go on.
Next Hint : Hint II
Back to the Puzzle : Puzzle #002
Puzzle of the Week #002 - Professor Layton and the Curious Village
When asked about her birthday, a young woman gives the following information:
"The day after tomorrow, I turn 22 , but I was still 19 on New Year's Day last year."
When is her birthday?
Have a hard time finding the solution for this puzzle? Try using these hints.
Hints :
Hint I
Hint II
Hint III
The answer of this puzzle will be revealed next week.Try to find it before then. Have a nice thinking time!
Quotes of The Day #29 - Chrono Cross
"What was the start of all this?
When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?
Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now,
from deep within the flow of time...
But, for a certainty, back then,
we loved so many, yet hated so much,
we hurt others and were hurt ourselves...
Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
whilst our laughter echoed
under cerulean skies..."
When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?
Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now,
from deep within the flow of time...
But, for a certainty, back then,
we loved so many, yet hated so much,
we hurt others and were hurt ourselves...
Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
whilst our laughter echoed
under cerulean skies..."
video games
Monday, September 12, 2011
Quotes of The Day #28 - Professor Layton and The Diabolical Box - Anton Herzen
video games
Friday, September 9, 2011
Puzzle of the Week #001 - Hint III
A father and a son are chatting when the son poses this question: "Dad, I'm 22 now, but just how old are you?"
The father replies, "You wanna know how old your old man is, eh? Hmm, well, I tell you what. I'm as old as your age, plus half of my age."
How old is the father?
Hint 3:
As stated in the second hint, half of the father's age is equal to the son's age. To put it another way, the father's age is two times that of his son.
Previous Hint : Hint II
Previous Hint : Hint I
Back to the Puzzle : Puzzle #001
Puzzle of the Week #001 - Hint II
A father and a son are chatting when the son poses this question: "Dad, I'm 22 now, but just how old are you?"
The father replies, "You wanna know how old your old man is, eh? Hmm, well, I tell you what. I'm as old as your age, plus half of my age."
How old is the father?
Hint 2:
When the father is essentially saying there is that if you add "half of his age" to the "son's age", you'll get the father's age.
If that's the case, the son's age must be half of the father's age.
Next Hint : Hint III
Previous Hint : Hint I
Back to the Puzzle : Puzzle #001
Puzzle of the Week #001 - Hint I
A father and a son are chatting when the son poses this question: "Dad, I'm 22 now, but just how old are you?"
The father replies, "You wanna know how old your old man is, eh? Hmm, well, I tell you what. I'm as old as your age, plus half of my age."
How old is the father?
Hint 1 :
It sound convoluted, but look again at what's been presented.
"I'm as old as your age , Plus half of my age."
This means that if you take away half of the father's age, you'll have the age of the son.
As you already know, the son is 22.
Next Hint : Hint II
Back to the Puzzle : Puzzle #001
Puzzle of the Week #001 - Professor Layton and the Curious Village
A father and a son are chatting when the son poses this question: "Dad, I'm 22 now, but just how old are you?"
The father replies, "You wanna know how old your old man is, eh? Hmm, well, I tell you what. I'm as old as your age, plus half of my age."
How old is the father?
Have a hard time finding the solution for this puzzle? Try using these hints.
Hints :
Hint I
Hint II
Hint III
The answer of this puzzle will be revealed next week.Try to find it before then. Have a nice thinking time!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Iris - Shiawase no Hako : Professor Layton and The Diabolical Box Ending Theme
This is the ending theme from the second entry in the first trilogy of Layton series. Iris or also known as Shiawase no Hako is truly a masterpiece song. It become the background music for the majority of the scene involving Anton, Sophia, Katia, and their family. It use cheerful tone not depressing ones, however the revealing of Anton and Sophia's life along the story and the picture's shown during the song bring sadness feeling. I can't help crying while hearing this song and imagine myself as Anton or Sophia. Two kindred lover who were separated for 50 years even though they're longing to see each other so badly. However, they couldn't realize it because Sophia is already passed away when Anton finally released from the illusion life he had lived all his life. Anton, in his true old form, asked Sophia to wait for him in heaven a little longer, because he had to accompany Katia, his granddaughter whom he had never met before, first.
I included 4 versions of this beautiful song here.
The first, is the song which played during the ending credits of the game.
Iris - Shiawase no Hako (In-game Ending Theme)
Second, this is the music box version of the song which is played during the reminiscence part of the story such as when Mr. Anderson tells Layton about Katia and when Anton and the rest reads Katia's letter which is hidden inside the Elysian Box
Iris -Music Box
Third, this is the song which is sung by Japanese artist, Salyu, with Japanese lyrics and vocals. It is not included in the soundtracks of this game, but was released after the game was released as a single.
Iris - Shiawase no Hako (Japanese Vocals and Lyrics)
Here is the lyrics :
Anata no hou ga shitteita watashi ga daiji ni shitetamono
Mata aerukoto wo shinjite yakusoku mo sezu ni te wo futta
Shasou wa* nagaredasu keshiki no fureemu
Sotto sotto hajimari wo utsushidashi hajimeru
Futari de ikiru riyuu wo tsuranuku you na manazashi de tashikameatta
Imademo ikizuku itami wa* kioku sore ijou no nani ka chikai sono mono
Anata ga oita yakusoku sono mama zutto kabatteru
Mou aenai to shitemo itsumo watashi no hako ni shimatteiku
Sore zore no omoi de onaji uta wo aishita
Sugi yuku toki no kanata ni hibiku merodi
Chigau keshiki no naka ni mo onaji iro ga kagayaiteru koto wo shitta no
Senaka awase no aida ni aru nukumori wo kitto kanjiteikeru
"Ushinawazu ni wa* mae ni susumenai" sonna omoi mo
Tejina mitai ni tane wo akasarerukoto wo matteru
Tetsuro no saki wo tadotte fureemu wa* atarashii machi wo yadoshita
Sayonara wo uta ni dekitara mata anata ni deaeru doko ni ite mo
Chigau keishiki no naka ni mo onaji iro ga kagayaiteru koto wo shitta no
Senaka awase no aida ni aru nukumori wo zutto kanjiteikeru
Lastly, this is the translated English song which is sung by a fan of Layton called adrisaurus.
Iris - Music Box with English Vocal and Lyrics
Here is the English Lyrics :
When I think of the memories
We shared long ago
There's a part deep within me
That wants you to know
Though I left without warning
Without a goodbye
I have faith that soon someday
You'll be by my side
I promise you
I'll answer your plea
I swear it's true
Just trust in me
My love for you
Will always live on
Like a song
A simple melody
Though we're apart
You'll always be in my heart
I'll dream of the day
You travel my way
And we make a brand new start
Never my oath come what may
The sun will shine someday
With new horizons to pursue
New horizons here with you...
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Quotes of the Day #26 - Legend of Mana -- Pokiehl the Storyteller
"Love is power. Give it to another and you will bring bliss. Friends, criminals, strangers, and even yourself. All is reborn when you forgive, love, and understand."
Legend of Mana,
Seiken Densetsu,
video games
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Quotes of the Day #25 - Xenogears -- Wiseman
video games,
Friday, September 2, 2011
Air-Propelled Bike "A Solution for Environmental-Technology Harmony"

Are you often drives a car or motorcycle to travel from one place to another? Even though sometimes it's quite reachable using a bike or travel on foot. Have you know how much carbon dioxide each vehicle produce daily? Can you imagine how dirty is the air in our beloved Earth right now because of the excess exhaust gases coming from the vehicles owned by each and every person?
It has been known for a long time that technology advancements especially in transportation has contributed to the destruction of nature. Exhaust gases contain air pollutant particles such as carbon dioxide that become the main cause of global warming, carbon monoxide which is a toxic material and dangerous for living beings, also sulfur dioxide and nitro dioxide which are the causes for acid rains which is quite destructive with its corrosive nature.
So, how could we solve this problem? Many scientists have tried to use alternative energy sources such as electric, water, hydrogen, solar cell, and many others. These inventions are proved to be much environmental-friendly than carbon based fuels that are primarily used for cars nowadays. However, the problem is always about the cost of production. These advanced vehicles required expensive components to make them work such as solar panel that increased its price significantly. This has caused many people to still rely on fossil fuel because it is much more cheaper and easy to use.
Citroen Survolt, Concept Electric Race Car
So, how could we create alternative energy vehicle that is both cleaner and cheaper? Behold, the newest idea scientists had in mind. Air powered vehicle, or should I say, air propelled vehicle because the air is not used as the reactants of chemical reaction to be turned in to other substance through combustion. Rather, it is used to push the vehicle forward using released high pressure compressed air.
This idea was showed at National Geographic's Planet Mechanic: Air Propelled Sandwich episode where Jem tried to create air based vehicle for food catering service.
The experiment went on using bicycle as the vehicle. The bike used carbon-fiber air tanks that are usually used by firefighters as part of their breathing equipment and connected them to two rotary air engines that drive the rear wheel. One of the benefits of using compressed air over batteries is that you can recharge in a few seconds. Of course, the compressor works on electricity, so that’s not always a clean power source. But even if your local utility uses coal, if you recharge at night or off peak, chances are you are using power that would be wasted otherwise because coal power plants take too long to shut down and restart, so they are often kept producing at night. But it is with a clean electricity source for the compressor that the air-powered motorcycle becomes a truly green ride.
Still, it has several downside such as the needs to be recharged quickly because the air supplies in the tank are depleted at a significant rate. Also, you need to have pure air as the main ingredients for the air supplies because polluted air would result in also polluted emission. What enter the tank also come out from it. Thus, the reliability of the emission grade of this vehicle depends on the cleanliness or purity of the air supplies it had.
Whatever the disadvantages are, this invention still hold the place as one of the most clean and environmentally friendly vehicle ever. It still has so many chance to be developed. I hope they would be able to make a vehicle that can used air that are already available around us instead of pure air as air supplies and can turn it in to fresh air that will be released by the vehicle. How cool it would be if it really happened huh??
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