Platform : Playstation 2, PC
Publisher : Capcom
Rating : M
Hardcore gamers that think they're the best on the block had better take notice Devil May Cry 3 : Dante's Awakening that was released in Japan as Devil May Cry 3. This game is an action game that was developed by Capcom Production Studio and Published by Capcom in 2005 for Playstation 2 (also ported to the PC in 2006). The game is the 3rd in the series but the story is the Prequel of the original Devil May Cry.
The story focused on the complicated relationship between Dante and his twin brother, Vergil. Dante who is a Devil Hunter owns a Hunter shop that hadn't been named yet got a diturbance by some brutal demons attack that wrecked his shop. He is very pissed off by their disturbance and take his sword at once to defeat them all. When it was clear outside of his shop, suddenly an immense tower erupts from the ground short distance away. Sensing his brother stood before him on the top of the tower, Dante takes it as a challenge and called it a 'party'.
Inside of the Temen-ni-gru Tower, Dante faced a three-headed giant dog called Cerberus that blocked Dante's way to the upper floor. He took that as a party welcome to him and enjoyed the fight with it. When Cerberus lost, it admit it's defeated and gave its soul to Dante that became Dante's new Tri-nunchaku weapon, but soon enough, a Lady with a big gun and a motorcycle of course breakout the glass and And shoot him with her rocket! Well, of course, that didn't impressed him when it turned out to be Dante. I guess that's a little bit of a storyline in Devil May Cry 3 : Dante's awakening, if you called yourself a gamer, you should try it yourself and found out what happens between this twin brother and their father, Sparda.
This game has a nice graphic, even though it always sets up in a dark place, an epic game's difficulty, several clothes, and crazy style with many weapons that you can use. Devil May Cry 3 isn't like the other ordinary game that usually has only 3 difficulties, such as easy, medium / normal, and hard. it gives and challenge you with more than just that! You can try Easy mode, Normal, Hard, very hard, Dante Must Die, and Heaven or Hell. You can enjoy the fight with the 6 difficulty that of course each difficulty brings you with more challenge with new enemies, enemy's new skill, and much more.
Devil May Cry 3 provides you to test your skill to control the crazinest of the Dante's action with the combo system, from Doppe!, Crazy!, Blast!, Alright!, Sweet, Stylish, and Showtime, but to get to the top of the combo, you'll need some style and also some weapon than just Rebellion and the Ebony and Ivory. You'll get all the weapon after defeated some of the boss, like Cerberus, Agni and Rudra, Nevan, and Beowulf as the sword, and search for some of glinting things to get some of gun, like Shotgun, Spiral, Artemis, and Kalina Ann that you'll get from the story . To get all the style, you can do the same thing as you want to get all the weapon, just defeat all of the boss, and the story will show you when Dante got his style, such as Sword Master, Gun Slinger, Trickster, Quicksilver, Doppelganger, and Royal Guard. Each of the style can be improved by buying it at the cost of Devils Orb.
Other thing that also can impressed you is the Devil Trigger System. With this Dante can turn out to a Demon Sparda just by Pressing R1. Dante's Demon is very strong, besides it's much stronger and faster, you cannot get thrown away by the enemy like the ordinary Dante and it will cover you so the damage that Dante's taken will be halved. But remember, Dante can't always be the demon, you should pay attention on the bar below the health bar that looks like shining orbs. For the first time, you'll get three orbs, and that means you can use Dante's demon mode within a time before the orb vanished one by one. to get the orb back, you have to defeat enemies until the orb shine again.
So, if you think yourself a skilled gamer why don't you test how crazy enough your skill is with this outstanding game. Are you ready?
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